Create monthly or weekly content for social networks?

Create monthly or weekly content for social networks?

For some it is easier to generate monthly content and for others weekly, but what is the best option?

It is important in the process of creating content for social networks to have a north, to know what we are aiming at as a brand and what we are looking for, from this, we will be focused on generating content based on the brand.

Each person works as he/she considers best, however, today I want to share with you a way that can help you improve the order in the management of your social networks, but also have the possibility of being updated. 

When we have a clear form of content, we will avoid saying statements like the following:

I do not know what to publish and how to plan the content, this takes me too much time.

And this situation is frequent when we have not established a monthly and annual planning in our social networks.

It may sound a bit complex, but really having a planning is the best option when we really want to have effective results in our social networks, it also serves you for mental health and better management of your time.

Today I share with you some points to keep in mind when planning content for social networks.

It is important that before planning content you have done an internal audit and a competitive analysis to know exactly what content will be relevant to your audience. This way you will know exactly what the pillars of your content will be on a monthly basis.

#1 Make an annual planning.
For this point you can take into account campaigns that you are going to carry out during the year, such as the launch of a service, product or event.
You can also help yourself with the seasonal events of your country or region, such as Father's Day, national holidays, among others. 

#2 Make a monthly calendar
Once you know what the pillars of your content will be, for example: phrases, educational content, product photo, among others... you can now divide by days what you want to publish.

At this point you should take into account:

- Data and information collection. According to your brand and the content pillar, you should collect the necessary information for each publication.
- Allocate a day or a certain amount of time to create content, whether images, videos, animations, etc.
- Finally, schedule the content. This part will help you save a lot of time, you will not have to be anxious to publish daily, you can focus those efforts to create stories in your networks. In this part you can help you with Facebook's Creator Studio.

Now, even though generating a monthly content gives you an order, leaving some days without content in the month will allow you to generate trending content, we must take advantage of those spaces to improve the reach of our social networks. There will always be new things coming out in the networks and they are unique opportunities for your brand. 

In addition to this, there will be information or situations that will be presented on the fly and these blank spaces in the calendar will allow you to generate the content you need.

What else should you do?

Adapt the whole process to your needs and occupations, you are the best content creator of your brand, so take heart. 

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