Your ideas, a sea of strategies and content

Your ideas, a sea of strategies and content

Has it ever happened to you that an idea comes to your mind, but the next day you can't remember it?

Sometimes our memory remembers things that are not very relevant, but other more important things are overlooked. How frustrating, and even more so when we feel that we have no more ideas or strategies to apply to our brand on different platforms.

The situation could be more difficult when you not only generate content for one brand but for five others, you feel like you are on the verge of collapse because you have a lot of content to deliver and with different fields and topics.

Today I share with you a tip that has worked for me to not fall short when it comes to generating content and strategies for the various social networks:


Have a notebook or the notepad of your cell phone ready for every occasion, when you have a clear space where to write, you can capture every idea that comes to your mind during the course of your day.

Previously I used to write very little, but after seeing how much this habit helped me I started to implement it more and more and it has saved me a lot when it comes to generating content.

When you write everything down, it's a way of telling your mind that it's important and you should remember it.

Now, when it comes to jotting it down, keep the following in mind:

You have to be alert to every detail, any word, gesture, place, person can be your inspiration. Sometimes the best content comes from what you least imagine.

Reading, listening to podcasts, watching videos, etc., inspire you to create new content from those, in fact, in many occasions you may have questions and that is already an opportunity to generate content.

Everything you are nurturing in terms of valuable content during the week, are already content that you can generate for your accounts, but in an improved version and with contributions from your experience.

Remember: Be inspired, but don't copy. 

You have a creative capacity that you can't even imagine, so what you generate will do everything your account will need to achieve the reach you want and be a reference for others. 

There are millions of ideas that you can generate per day, but you cannot allow them to remain in the air, because you would be missing unique opportunities not only for content creation but also to solve daily issues of your daily life.

Write down all your ideas and you will notice the difference, you will go from not knowing what to do to having a sea of content and strategies.