- By Camila Ante

Digital marketing could be the best ally, friend and confidant for companies. But, we Colombians still have a long way to go to understand the true meaning of carrying out marketing strategies and combining them with sales departments.
Most of the time I have come across companies that consider that doing digital marketing is just publishing on networks, uploading content, creating campaigns with surreal objectives and making money.
Unfortunately, digital marketing is not a magic box. In itself, there are many components that at the organizational level are ignored due to lack of knowledge and capital to develop it, since they believe that “profitable” is equal to free… and, it is not like that.
An anecdote that I can share with you is about a financial micro-company, which got used to doing conventional marketing - flyers - and which until now decided to enter the functions of community manager and content manager to attract clients.
The first sin that this company has is that the person in charge of making its content is an acquaintance who has a flower business. The character creates the basic content of it, publishes it and performs "marketing strategies." The campaigns for his social network are also created and oh surprise! It only lasted a week to attract customers and now they are quiet. As I have always said, Shoemaker to your shoes!
Their second sin is that to offer credit services, they must take into account that generating customer trust is the main factor to activate their sales processes, but they do not have a website.
No website, no social networks, no structured content, no community, no marketing and sales strategies ... how can they be digitally competitive?
And third sin ... the CEO's statement when she told him all the way she has to go, she surprised me ... I'd rather keep paying for the flyer than having to invest in everything you mention!
These words give me a bad taste and it is not because he is not going to be my client, but because of the hard road that he will have to face to maintain his company and not enter into crisis.