- By Paula Silva

Customer service: The cultural transformation that will depend on you
In the previous text we mentioned that the challenge of each organization was to be able to get to read the client in all possible areas and that that choice would depend on someone or something. And yes, it effectively depends on both, the who (you and your internal client) and the something (of a series of transformation items that the subject must involve in order to appropriate a new cultural nature).
We can summarize the basis of all communication or coexistence in how we feel, how we are treated, how we perceive such accompaniment. And to achieve a balance of the above, mixing it with the attitudes of each individual, we must do a retrospective of whether or not our behavior and treatment is what we would like them to offer ourselves.
So basic, but so complex to be able to place yourself for a moment in the shoes or situation of the other. And it is that in this matter organizations fail because the commercial industry teaches them that creating an organization chart or escalating the guidelines is the only and most important thing. And without saying that this concept is wrong, for the pioneer industries in service this is not everything and it is not the most important thing; Of course, defining roles and tasks is important for optimal organizational development, but providing the internal client with the opportunity to be equally valuable as a human, professional, emotional and integral being, who, to the owner of the company himself, is undoubtedly the success of cultural transformation.
The scope of a cultural transformation due to efforts to achieve excellence in service will be determined by the way in which the same organization treats, communicates and coexists with the other internally; Surely, if it is participatory, respectful, inclusive and others, it will have guaranteed success with the external client, since its bases of the service will go beyond the sole idea of selling, selling and selling and will be able to understand, read and decipher the soft and hard needs of your client.
To culminate and as a final invitation is that we do not fear change, by embracing the new opportunities that every day brings the gift and benefit of listening (different from hearing), of respecting the times, opinions and brainstorming, of developing a purpose, to understand and satisfy the needs and finally to create action plans to achieve all of the above through the service.
Remember treat others as you would like them to treat you and with just this beginning you will understand the nature of good service.