- By Paula Silva

Social networks and their 4Rs
In a market where the number of new products, services, companies and more is increasing every year, consumers have more options than ever before. This important fact makes it clear that we are not and will not be the only ones to offer a quality product or service that meets the standards of customer needs, yes or yes it must go further, making it essential to place more support in the visibility of the brand with a strategy and with a focus on enhancing customer service.
Social media or social networks have had a great revolution before and after the pandemic. While it is true that before the presence of the brand was important at a digital level, now it is vital that it be implemented, nurtured and monitored daily with quality content if you do not want to be obsolete on the internet
Our potential and loyal customers have always come up with a world of high, short-term expectations regarding content creation. Without having a natural or brand profile, they already want to advertise at a very low cost and have total success in sales. Well, that desire is not bad, but we must ground all our expectations to a reality where it is no longer the emotional and economic wear and tear that can be committed by the desire.
Personalized advice is always based on the recognition of the weaknesses and opportunities that the brand or the person has with their business idea. Followed by advice, that the most important thing is not the mass of fans or followers that an account may have; what is important is the quality of that community: its scope and the ability to generate trends and move the user to action. That is the key.
The 4Rs of social media are simple and easy to incorporate into your strategic plan if you have understood the previous idea.
Recognition is the starting point to start a good process, knowing the statistics, metrics and account status is a route to establish through this analysis our niche as it is.
Revaluation is that feedback and importance that the user has for my brand, my content and all my efforts argued in the digital channel.
Reaction is the next step from the previous one, since we lead our community to interact and increase the metrics that measure and position us as a starting or starting point unlike our competition.
And, last but not least the Recommendation, share, mention, retweet, will be the digital voice to voice that will make the entire base structure with which we started successful and that our client not only feels satisfied with our product or service, but that need arises for others to know and consume.
All this means that these 4Rs of social networks are taken by clients as a starting point in a continuous construction of SWOT, to improve our internal and external processes and to take full advantage of these channels that after the pandemic have raised a massive demand and very competitive
Remember our last tip: be different, be digital.